Fall Festival
We would like to thank everyone that attended our PTO sponsored Fall Festival this past Saturday. It was so nice having this fun event. Your participation and monetary assistance will go a long way in helping our PTO provide us with student activities that we just couldn’t do without them. Thank you PTO and parents for all your hard work putting this together.
Parent / Teacher Conferences This is a very important week for parents and teachers to discuss their child’s progress during Parent / Teacher Conferences. Like never before, our teachers are holding meetings throughout the week to accommodate parent schedules. If parents need to reschedule their conference, please reach out to your child’s teacher.
Fall Break
Fall Break is upon us. We hope that you and your family get the opportunity to hit the much-deserved reset button. Spend some time talking to your children about how school is going. Ask them to tell you what they like about their school experiences and if there are any areas that we need to help them get the most out of school.
Attendance We appreciate the efforts our parents are making with regard to student attendance. We are required to inform parents of any excessive absences. As we strive to close the achievement gap that was created over the last couple of years, every day counts.
Dress for the weather
With cooler weather, it’s important to make sure your child is dressed appropriately. We will go outside to recess each day unless it is raining, snowing heavily, or extremely cold. Please check the weather report daily to help your child with appropriate choices in what to wear.
Veteran’s Day/Grandparents Day: Friday,November 11
We are excited to finally be in a position to bring back our well-known Veteran’s Day/ Grandparents Day recognition and celebration. We will be sending out more information on the event after Fall Break. For now, we just wanted to make sure it was known that it will take place here at Central on the morning of Friday, November 11. Have a great Fall Break and as always, thank you for your continued support.
Todd Gowen, Principal